Nalaganje Dogodki
V okviru letošnjega programa Aktivna študentska pomlad, vam bomo skupaj v sodelovanju z Disk golf klub Pohorje prikazali vedno bolj priljubljeno igro – Disk golf.
Zbrali se bomo v sredo, 9. 5. ob 16. uri na Študentski travnati ploščadi ob študentskem naselju Gosposvetska, kjer vam bomo prikazali ta relativno nov in nepoznan šport, nato pa boste imeli možnost, da se v njem preizkusite tudi sami.
Zaradi lažje organizacije vse interesente prosimo, da opravite predhodno informativno prijavo na
Za najuspešnejše tekmovalce pa smo pripravili še praktične nagrade.
Pridi in vrzi skupaj z nami!
?????? ENGLISH ??????
Join us for a thrilling experience this year as part of the Active Student Spring program! In collaboration with Disc Golf Club Pohorje, we’re excited to introduce you to the fast-growing and engaging sport of Disc Golf. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, May 9th, at 4 pm, and meet us at the Študentska ploščad, located next to the Gosposvetska student housing. We’ll showcase this innovative and captivating sport and offer you the chance to test your skills firsthand.
For seamless organization, we kindly request all interested participants to complete a preliminary informational registration at
To make things even more exciting, we’ve prepared practical prizes for the top performers.
Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity – come and throw with us!