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CPR for students
16. novembra, 2022 @ 17:00 - 19:00

Čas je bistvenega pomena; za vsako minuto, ki jo ponesrečenec preživi brez CPR, se njegova možnost za popolno okrevanje zmanjša za 10%!
Zato smo ŠOUM in Društvo študentov medicine ponovno združili moči in tako pripravili delavnico za vse študente, kjer se boste naučili osnove oživljanja ter oskrbovanja ran.
Delavnica se bo pričela s teoretičnim delom in nato še s praktičnimi vajami na lutkah.
Med dogodkom bo lahko vsak udeleženec na naš račun spil tudi kakšen čaj, kavo ali katero drugo brezalkoholno pijačo!
KDAJ: sreda, 16. novembra 2022, s pričetkom ob 17.00
KJE: v dvorani ŠTUK
KJE: v dvorani ŠTUK
!! Delavnica bo potekala v angleščini in je
! Za potrebe obveščanja Vas prosimo, da se na dogodek prijavite preko tega obrazca: https://forms.gle/HvjwmUst7tCFQq438

Time is of the essence; for every minute of not getting CPR, the person’s chances of making a full recovery goes down by 10%.
That is why, the Student organization of the University of Maribor and the society of medical students of Maribor have again joined forces to create a workshop, where students can learn the basics of CPR and wound care.
During the event, every participant can get one free non-alcoholic drink of their choice!
The workshop will be held on:
Wednesday, the 16th of November at ŠTUK
it will begin at 17.00 and end at around 19.00
Wednesday, the 16th of November at ŠTUK
it will begin at 17.00 and end at around 19.00
!! The workshop will be held in English and is COMPLETLY FREE !!
! To participate, please fill out this Google form: https://forms.gle/HvjwmUst7tCFQq438