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Erasmus International Dinner
5. oktobra, 2023 @ 20:00 - 23:30
Ponovno organiziramo Mednarodno večerjo
za Erasmus študente, kjer je velik del vsake kulture tradicionalna kulinarična hrana. Na tem dogodku boste imeli priložnost okusiti kulinarične mojstrovine z vsega sveta.
Izzivamo te, da pripraviš in prineseš slovenske tradicionalne jedi in pijače, da boš lahko delil bogastvo in dobroto slovenske kulture z ostalimi Erasmus študenti. Pridruži se nam 5. oktobra ob 20. uri na ŠTUK-u.

A big part of every culture is the traditional culinary food. That’s why we are once again organizing the Erasmus International dinner
, where you will be able to try and taste culinary masterpieces from all over the world.
We also challenge you to prepare and bring your own traditional dishes and drinks, to share all the richness and goodness your culture can give. Join us, on the 5th of October at 20.00, at ŠTUK.