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Often amongst friends and people we know, we hear conversations about how life was so much better at the start of this millennium. From better music, parties and games to even better dress styles… Basically, everything was better 20 years ago.
That’s why we decided to test that theory and do something about it. Our 2000’s theme Erasmus Welcome party will be thrown on the 30th of September in ŠTUK, starting at 20.00, and lasting until late hours.
It’s important to know, that the dress code is in effect; all the participants must come dressed a 2000’s theme!
Pogosto med prijatelji in znanci slišimo pogovore, o tem kako je življenje bilo boljše v začetku tega tisočletja. Od boljše glasbe, do boljših zabav in iger, ter pa tudi boljša moda, skratka, očitno je vse bilo boljše 20 let nazaj.
Zato smo se odločili, da to teorijo preverimo in glede tega nekaj naredimo.
To bomo storili 30. septembra v kavarni ŠTUK, s pričetkom zabave ob 20.00, ki bo trajala v pozne nočne ure.
Pomembno je vedeti, da je dress code v efektu; vsi udeleženci morajo priti oblečeni v temo 2000-ih!