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Erasmus Welcome Party
2. oktobra, 2023 @ 22:00 - 3. oktobra, 2023 @ 2:00
Čas je da postanemo Barbike in gremo na zabavo!
Kot na začetku vsakega semestra, tudi tega začenjamo s pokom! Tokrat, ob premieri novega filma Barbie, se bomo vsi prelevili v Barbike (in Kene!). Torej, VSI študenti, oblecite se v vročo roza in svetlo modro ter se nam pridružite 2. oktobra ob 22.00 v našem najljubšem domu stran od doma – na ŠTUKu!
Vstopnine NI!
It’s time to become a Barbie and go party!
Like at the start of every semester, we are starting this one with a Bang! This time, in the light of the new Barbie movie, we are all going to become Barbies (and Kens!) ourselves. So, we are calling ALL students, to dress up in hot pink and sky blue and join us, on the 2nd of October at 22.00 at our favorite home away from home – ŠTUK!
No entry fee!
No wristbands needed!
No wristbands needed!