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Grški večer
22. maja, 2023 @ 18:00 - 21:00
| Free


Letos se bomo na tematskem večeru potepali po Grškem polotoku in spoznavali kulturo, hrano in navade Grčije.
Vendar – kaj je Grčija brez olimpijskih iger! Ekipe študentov se bodo udeležile “študentskih olimpijskih iger”. Pomerili se boste v tipičnih študentskih igrah, kot sta beer pong in flip cup.
Zmagovalci bodo prejeli lepe nagrade ter večno čast in slavo.
Ker v vroči Grčiji brez tog ne gre, se dogodka udeležite oblečeni v toge, saj bodo tisti, ki so oblečeni v togo dobili FREE WELCOME DRINK
Za bolj pozabljive si bo na stojnici možno izdelati togo.
Med olimpijskimi igrami se boste lahko sprehodili po različnih stojnicah, kjer bo predstavljena grška kultura, jezik, narava in seveda – hrana!

Vendar – kaj je Grčija brez olimpijskih iger! Ekipe študentov se bodo udeležile “študentskih olimpijskih iger”. Pomerili se boste v tipičnih študentskih igrah, kot sta beer pong in flip cup.

Ker v vroči Grčiji brez tog ne gre, se dogodka udeležite oblečeni v toge, saj bodo tisti, ki so oblečeni v togo dobili FREE WELCOME DRINK

Med olimpijskimi igrami se boste lahko sprehodili po različnih stojnicah, kjer bo predstavljena grška kultura, jezik, narava in seveda – hrana!

Link za prijavo ekipe na “Student olympics”:
Pridi in začuti GRČIJO!

This year, on a themed evening, we will wander around the Greek peninsula and get to know the culture, food and customs of Greece.
But what is Greece without the Olympic Games. Teams of students will participate in the “Student Olympics”. They will compete in typical college games like beer pong and flip cup!
The winners will receive nice prizes and eternal honor and glory.
Since in hot Greece you can’t do without it, attend the event dressed in a toga, because those dressed in it will get a free welcome drink!
For the more forgetful, it will be possible to make this at the stand.
During the Olympic Games, you will be able to walk around various stands where Greek culture, language, nature and, of course, food will be presented!

But what is Greece without the Olympic Games. Teams of students will participate in the “Student Olympics”. They will compete in typical college games like beer pong and flip cup!

Since in hot Greece you can’t do without it, attend the event dressed in a toga, because those dressed in it will get a free welcome drink!

During the Olympic Games, you will be able to walk around various stands where Greek culture, language, nature and, of course, food will be presented!

The link to sign your team up for the Student Olympics:
Come and feel GREECE!
No entrance fee or registration fee!