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International Dinner
23. februarja, 2023 @ 20:00 - 23:30
Z novim semestrom se bo na Štuku tradicionalno odvil Erasmus International evening. Na dogodku imajo Erasmus študentje možnost predstaviti tudi svojo kulturo preko hrane in pijače, ki jo prinesejo od doma ali pa pripravijo sami, po tradicionalnih receptih, značilnih za njihovo državo.
Da pa bodo bolje spoznali tudi našo hrano, bo potekalo tekmovanje za NAJ SLOVENSKO TRADICIONALNO JED!
→ Tekmuje se po ekipah najmanj dveh in največ štirih tekmovalcev,
→Na dogodek prinesete že pripravljeno jed, ki zadostuje za pokušino vsaj pet ocenjevalcev,
→Vašo jed boste predstavili, ocenila pa jo bo 5 članska komisija, sestavljena iz Erasmus študentov.
→ Zmagovalna ekipa prejme darilni bon za pijačo v kavarni ŠTUK! Prijavi se na povezavi: https://forms.gle/Sf6K5LdBLxFETopP7
✔︎ Kdaj? 23.2.2023
✔︎ Kje? ŠTUK
✔︎ Ob? 20:00
✔︎ Kje? ŠTUK
✔︎ Ob? 20:00
Po tekmovanju sledi zabava z DJjem!
Meet new people, learn about new cultures, new traditions and most importantly – have a great time! What better way to connect with students than over food and drinks brought from many different countries of the world.
Meet new people, learn about new cultures, new traditions and most importantly – have a great time! What better way to connect with students than over food and drinks brought from many different countries of the world.
Many local students will also join the event with home-cooked traditional dishes which will bring you a bit closer to Slovenian culture.
The event starts at 20:00! After the international evening, the party continues on the ŠTUK dance floor.
Don’t forget to bring your traditional food, drinks, traditional costumes and a flag!
We have a traditional surprise ready for you, so make sure to be there!
The event starts at 20:00! After the international evening, the party continues on the ŠTUK dance floor.
Don’t forget to bring your traditional food, drinks, traditional costumes and a flag!
We have a traditional surprise ready for you, so make sure to be there!
✔︎ When? 23.2.2022
✔︎ Where? ŠTUK
✔︎ What time? 20:00
✔︎ Where? ŠTUK
✔︎ What time? 20:00
Entrance is FREE!