Nalaganje Dogodki
?️ KDAJ: 1. 6. 2023
? KJE: 20.00 zbor pred ŠTUK-om
? KAJ: ​Nočni pohod na Kalvarijo
V četrtek 11.5. ob 20. uri se bomo zbrali pri Štuku ter se nato skupaj podali na vrh Kalvarije. Ob povratku bo ob vznožju Kalvarije na voljo okrepčilo (vode, fitnes ploščice).
V okviru letošnjega programa Aktivna študentska pomlad, bomo ponovno organizirali nočno študentsko odpravo na Kalvarijo.
Zaradi lažje organizacije, vse interesente prosimo, da opravite predhodno prijavo na:
Da bo vse skupaj še privlačnejše, bomo za prvih 50 udeležencev pripravili darilne vrečke.
❗Pohitite s prijavo!
?????? ENGLISH ??????
?️ WHEN: June 1st, 2023
? WHERE: 8 pm, meeting point in front of ŠTUK
? WHAT: Enchanting Night Hike to Kalvarija
Join us on Thursday, May 11th, at 8 pm for an unforgettable night-time adventure as part of this year’s Active Student Spring program. We’ll gather at ŠTUK and embark on a group hike to the top of Kalvarija, where you’ll experience the beauty of nature under the starlit sky. And to keep your energy levels high, we’ll provide refreshments (water and fitness bars) at the base of Kalvarija upon your return.
To ensure a seamless experience, we kindly request all interested participants to complete a preliminary registration at And as a special bonus, the first 50 attendees will receive exclusive gift bags!
❗Spaces are limited, so don’t delay – register now and embark on this mesmerizing adventure! ❗