Prvi študentski torek
4. oktobra, 2022 @ 21:00 - 5. oktobra, 2022 @ 4:00
| €3 – €5
Vsi že nestrpno pričakujem nov začetek študijskega leta 2022/23. Sploh pa oktobrskega dogajanja na ŠTUK-u, kjer se ustvarjajo spomini, ki jih nikoli ne bomo pozabili. Dajo nam motivacijo za uspešen študij, saj si ne želimo, da bi bil to naš zadnji oktober v Mariboru. Zabave in projekte, ki se bodo zgodili skozi celotno študijsko leto bomo otvorili z prvo študentsko zabavo, ki je ne smeš zamuditi!
Vedno ko smo v družbi prijateljev nam ni pomembno kje smo, kaj delamo, ampak vedno nam je lepo! Zato pridi s prijatelji na prvi študentski torek 4.10.2022. Da bo začetek res tako kot se spodobi, bodo z nami eni in edini Mambo kingsi, kjer bo žur do jutranjih ur.
Tako da se vidimo v torek 4.10. ob 21.uri na ŠTUK-u. Zraven pripelji še prijatelje in se pripravi na nepozabno študentsko noč. Naj vas opomnim, da bo število kart omejeno, zato ne odlašaj z nakupom!
Tistim, ki pa vam je vseeno za opis pa na kratko: KJE? Dvorana ŠTUK KDAJ? V torek, 4.10.2022 NASTOPAJOČI? MAMBO KINGS PRIČETEK? Dogajanje bo otvoril DJ ob 21. uri CENA KART? Predprodaja: 3€ / Na dan dogodka: 5€ …………………………………………… We are all looking forward to the start of the new academic year. We are incredibly excited about events that will take place in ŠTUK throughout the whole month of October and later through the year. Those are the events where memories will be created, that will never be forgotten. Also, events that give us the motivation to attend lectures and study. We will start the new study year with the first students’ party which you don’t want to miss. This will be only the first one of many parties and events, that will take place under the roof of ŠTUK in the coming year.
Whenever we are in good company it doesn’t really matter where we are or what we are doing. What matters is that we are having a good time. That is why you should bring your friends to the party as well! Mark Tuesday, 4th of October on your calendars and come party with us. For a good start to the season we invited Mambo Kings to provide some party tunes and party with us until the early morning.
And don’t wait until the last days to buy the tickets because there is only a limited amount.
Where: ŠTUK
When: Tuesday, 4th of October 2022 at 9 PM
Performing: Mambo Kings
Tickets: Presale 3 €, on the day of the event: 5 € |