![Nalaganje Dogodki](https://www.soum.si/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/resources/images/tribe-loading.gif)
Ta dogodek je minil.
Študentsko pustovanje 2023
21. februarja, 2023 @ 8:00 - 22. februarja, 2023 @ 4:00
| €5 – €7![??](https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t51/1.5/16/1f1f8_1f1ee.png)
Končno je konec semestra in samo še nekaj izpitov nas loči do popolnega zmagoslavja! Kaj pa to pomeni? To pomeni le eno, da se na ŠTUK vračajo čage in z njimi prva prava pustna zabava že v torek 21. februarja.
Pustovanje je tradicionalna poizpitna čaga, ki se odvija skozi celi dan. Kot vsako leto je ŠOUM poskrbel za FREE KROFE. Ne pozabi, deliti jih začnemo od 8. ure zjutraj v okolici Štuka!
Ker pa se dogajanje ne bo zaključilo s krofi, bodo zvečer skupina Polkaholiki poskrbeli za NORO pustno čago, ki bo trajala do jutranjih ur. Dobre glasbe ne bo manjkalo, prav tako tudi ne pustnih mask.
Aja, pustne maske so OBVEZNE!!! Najboljše pa bodo tudi nagrajene.
Torej kaj še čakaš, nadeni si masko in pridi v torek na ŠTUK.
VSTOPNICE: (Kavarna ŠTUK) Predprodaja: 5€
Finally, the semester is over and only a few exams stand between us and victory! But what does this mean? It can mean only one thing: ŠTUK parties are back and with that, the Slovenian traditional Shrovetide party as the first post-exam party comes on Tuesday, February 21st!
Shrovetide party is a traditional post-exam party that takes place throughout the whole day. Every year, ŠOUM takes care of FREE DOUGHNUTS, so don’t forget, we’ll start sharing them from 8am in the ŠTUK area.
But the fun won’t stop with doughnuts, in the evening Polkaholiki will take care of a CRAZY carnival party that will last until morning hours. Good music won’t be missing, nor will the carnival costumes.
Oh, and carnival costumes are MANDATORY!! The best ones will also be awarded.
So, what are you waiting for? Put your costume on and come to ŠTUK on Tuesday.
TICKETS: (Kavarna ŠTUK) Pre-sale: 5€