Loading Dogodki
Študenti veliko časa preživimo sede, pa naj bo to na predavanjih, seminarjih ali med učenjem. Pomanjkanje gibanja ima posledice na našo držo in posledično zdravje ter fiizično kondicijo.
Ker želimo, da bi se študenti čim več gibali in svoje telo ohranili v najboljšem stanju tudi v prihodnjih letih so vaje za raztegovanje odlična priložnost, da naredimo nekaj malega tudi v tej smeri.
Skupaj s Polono Lampe (Kinesispolona) bomo spet začutili svoje telo. V parih bomo opravili raztegovalne vaje in vaje za ravnotežje, hkrati pa nas bo ob vadbi spremljal kozarec slovenskih proizvajalcev pijač.
Za uvod bomo poskusili kozarec slovenskega vina, nato pa bosta sledila še dva gintonika slovenskih proizvajalcev.
Za prijavo na dogodek je potrebno kupiti vstopnico na Štuku ter hkrati izpolniti tudi obrazec s prijavo, ki bo priložen vstopnici in ga bo potrebno ob prijavi izpolniti ter oddati. Ker bo vadba potekala v parih je priporočljivo, da se pari prijavijo skupaj. Ena oseba lahko prijavi sebe ter še eno dodatno osebo, v koliko ima sliko osebnega dokumenta te osebe.
Cena vstopnice je 5€ in vsebuje eno uro vodene vadbe ter degustacijo treh kozarcev pijač. Vstopnice bo mogoče kupiti od srede, 3.11.2021, dalje.
Dogodek bo potekal v torek, 16.11.2021 s pričetkom ob 16:30 uri in bo trajal okoli eno uro v dvorani Štuk. Zaradi omejenega prostora je število vstopnic omejeno!
As students we spend a lot of time sitting in lectures, seminars or learning. Lack of exercise has consequences on our posture, health and physical fitness.
We wish for students to move as much as possible in order to keep their body in the best condition in the years to come, stretching exercises are a great opportunity to do something small in this direction as well.
Together with Polona Lampe (Kinesispolona) we will feel our body again. In pairs, we will perform stretch exercises and balance exercises. At the same time we will be accompanied by a glass of Slovenian beverage producers.
For the introduction we will try a glass of Slovenian wine, followed by two more gintonics from Slovenian producers.
To register for the event, it is necessary to buy a ticket at Štuk and at the same time fill in the registration form, which will be attached to the ticket and will need to be filled in and submitted upon registration. Since the exercise will take place in pairs, it is recommended that the pairs apply together. One person can register himself and one additional person if he/she has a picture of that person’s personal document.
The ticket price is 5€ which includes one hour of guided exercise and a tasting of three glasses of drinks. Tickets will be available for purchase from Wednesday, 3.11.2021, onwards.
The event will take place on Tuesday, 16.11.2021 starting at 16:30 and will last around one hour in the Štuk hall. Due to limited space, the number of tickets is limited!