Prosimo te, da izpolniš spodnji obrazec.

Izpolnjen obrazec je pogoj za udeležbo na dogodku Ski break 2025! Pred izpolnjevanjem ga natančno preberi.

Please fill out the form below.

A completed form is a condition for participation in the Ski break 2025 event! Please read it carefully before filling it out.

Izjava o udeležbi na lastno odgovornost

Izjavljam, da: - se dogodka »Ski break 2025« udeležujem na lastno odgovornost; - organizator dogodka Študentska organizacija Univerze v Mariboru, Gosposvetska cesta 83, 2000 Mariboru (v nadaljevanju: ŠOUM) in osebe, ki delujejo v njenem imenu, v nobenem primeru niso odškodninsko odgovorni za morebitne telesne poškodbe ali poškodovanje opreme in druge lastnine udeleženca dogodka; - se navedenega dogodka ne bom udeležil-a pod vplivom alkohola, drog in kakršnih koli drugih substanc ali zdravil, zaradi katerih so lahko zmanjšane moje psihofizične sposobnosti; - ne prikrivam zdravstvenih težav, ki bi mi preprečevale udeležbo in bom v primeru, da se takšne težave pojavijo, o tem nemudoma obvestil-a predstavnika organizatorja; - bom brez izjeme upošteval-a vsa navodila predstavnikov organizatorja, saj me v nasprotnem primeru predstavniki organizatorja lahko odstranijo z dogodka. Potrjujem, da sem izjavo v celoti prebral-a začetkom dogodka ter se zavedam njenih posledic.

Declaration of participation

I declare that: - I am aware of the rules and guidelines of the event set by the organizer. I will comply with them and follow the regulations provided by the staff. - I participate in the "Ski break 2025" event at my own risk; - The event organizer, Student Organization of the University of Maribor, Gosposvetska cesta 83, 2000 Maribor (hereinafter: ŠOUM) and the staff acting on its behalf, are under no circumstances liable for compensation of possible personal injuries or damages to equipment and other property of the events participant. - I declare to participate in the mentioned event under no influence of any substances, such as alcohol, drugs or any other medications that may impair my psychophysical abilities; - I do not hide any health conditions that would prevent me from participating, and in the event that such problems arise, I will immediately notify the representative of the organizer. - Without exception, I will follow all the instructions given to me by the staff, because otherwise I can be prohibited from participation in the event. I confirm that I have read all the above statements, ahead of the event and am aware of the consequences in case of breaking the rules. In case of timely registration, you will receive the request for payment its instructions to your contact email address. When the list of participants is full, you will be placed on a waiting list and notified in case a place is availble.

Izjava o prevzemu odgovornosti

Izjavljam, da sem popolnoma seznanjen/a z aktivnostmi, ki so povezane s sodelovanjem pri projektu »Ski break 2025«, ki poteka v okviru Študentske organizacije Univerze v Mariboru in njenih morebitnih partnerjev. S podpisom tega obrazca izjavljam, da prevzemam odgovornost za lastno varnost in posledice svojih dejanj. Prav tako se zavezujem, da bom upošteval navodila organizatorjev dogodka. Izjavljam, da sem polnoleten in opravilno sposoben za podpis tega obrazca. Soglasje z vsebino izjave je bilo podano prostovoljno. Strinjam se, da sem prebral in da sem bil seznanjen z vsebino te izjave pred samim potrjevanjem.  


I declare that I am fully familiar with activities related to cooperation in the "Ski break 2025" project, which takes place within the framework of the Student Organization of the University of Maribor and its potential partners. By signing this form, I declare that I accept responsibility for my own safety and the consequences of my actions. I also undertake to follow the instructions of the organizers of the event. I declare that I am of legal age and legally capable of signing this form. Consent to the content of the statement was given voluntarily. I agree that I have read and that I was familiar with the content of this statement before the actual confirmation.